jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

YSL Saharienne...

Last week, one of the SA's in my local departmentstore, sprayed her card liberally with the newest YSL release and handed it to me. I had this on my ' eager to try ' list, so i asked her if she would be so kind to spray some on my wrist aswell. After ' the funny look ' , she did. When i read about this new scent a few months ago by the creators of my beloved and ' should be worldwonder number 8' , Opium, with this promising name , i was picturing myself sitting in the actual Sahara ( not that far from here, so possible in theory ), waiting for a camel to come by, bringing me some of this precious juice ( along with some myhhre and gold )....As soon as the tiny perfume molecules touched down on my skin, the dream was over. Poof ! Why do they keep doing this to me ? Coming up with a beautiful , dreamy name , to then fill the bottles with boring and plain juice ? Normally, i take the effort to try a new release again, but on this ocasion, i am not even compelled to do so. Although, fair is fair, Mr YSL created some masterpieces, so maybe i owe it to him to give him the benefit of the doubt...off i go again ( will let you know if Saharienne was able to change my mind ), would love to read your opinions ladies : )

Still working on my saleslist, the count goes on !



miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

so...my fragrant lovelies...here we go ! My very first blog entry about 1 ( out of many ) passions in my life : perfume, scent, fragrance, sniffing and all things related.

Let me start by saying, i am not an experienced writer. English is not my mothertongue ( so forgive the odd mistake ). A fellow perfumista lady from MUA ( the well known website where i spend some time during evenings and have met wonderful friends ) told me about the option of ' blogging '...after some hardcore ' Googling ' , i got started on this exact page. Not even sure what i am going to talk to you guys about , but we will see where we go from here. I would love your feedback , tips, suggestions , comments etc....

I have decided to start selling decants ( and in some cases bottles ) to share my wonderful collection with all of you. My feedback on MUA is flawless ( brag brag ), i also sell on Ebay sometimes, but i find it hard to deal with their double standard, extreme costs for listing/selling and not to mention their blind eye towards corrupt sellers and counterfeit goods.

Let me tell you a bit about me, myself and I. I am female, 35 years old and the proud mommy of 3 beautiful children, who keep me busy most of the day ( and night ). I am originally from Belgium ( yes, a tiny country somewhere in Europe ), but i have been living in Southern Spain for 10 years now.
Perfume has been a passion since i was in my teens. I remember when my mom stored her beloved scents Madame Rochas, Calandre & Caleche , i could not leave the bathroom without taking a whiff of these classics. I started wearing perfume from an early age aswell and funny thing is, most of the scents i wore back then, i still love now....Examples ? I loved Rochas Alchimie ( still in my collection ), the original Iceberg ( still wear this on a daily basis ), Laura Biagiotti's Roma to name a few.

Besides my perfume obsession, i feel really strong about animalrights. This is my pet peeve and i try to fight on a daily basis to make others more aware. Animals dont have a voice , they do have the same emotions and feelings as humans and i feel every animal should be treated with the same respect as we would like to be treated. Therefore, i made the decision 20 years ago to become a vegetarian and haven't regretted it since. I just recently became a member of CACMA / PACMA organisation here in Spain, they are on the roll to put an end to the horrible bloodsport ' bullfighting ' , thats still being allowed here in Spain and a few other countries. Ok, back to the fumes...

I am going to list my available scents in the coming weeks, i have lots of exclusive, hard to find perfumes, so feel free to have a look and contact me for details & prices. My email is : evelinetaelemans@telefonica.net

Thanks for reading,
