jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

YSL Saharienne...

Last week, one of the SA's in my local departmentstore, sprayed her card liberally with the newest YSL release and handed it to me. I had this on my ' eager to try ' list, so i asked her if she would be so kind to spray some on my wrist aswell. After ' the funny look ' , she did. When i read about this new scent a few months ago by the creators of my beloved and ' should be worldwonder number 8' , Opium, with this promising name , i was picturing myself sitting in the actual Sahara ( not that far from here, so possible in theory ), waiting for a camel to come by, bringing me some of this precious juice ( along with some myhhre and gold )....As soon as the tiny perfume molecules touched down on my skin, the dream was over. Poof ! Why do they keep doing this to me ? Coming up with a beautiful , dreamy name , to then fill the bottles with boring and plain juice ? Normally, i take the effort to try a new release again, but on this ocasion, i am not even compelled to do so. Although, fair is fair, Mr YSL created some masterpieces, so maybe i owe it to him to give him the benefit of the doubt...off i go again ( will let you know if Saharienne was able to change my mind ), would love to read your opinions ladies : )

Still working on my saleslist, the count goes on !



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